This pop up barn started as a free printable from Family Fun. Since their copyright restricts publication of modified content, I can't give out the file I made. I can tell you how to do it yourself, though!
Download the barn PDF from Family Fun.

Download my modification PDF, which diagrams the changes and has a template for the roof cross brace.

I manipulated the barn PDF in CorelDraw, but if you don't have a suitable graphics program you can do a work-around with two printed copies.
How to make the barn pieces with a graphics program
Import page 1 of the barn PDF into your graphics program.
Ungroup the entire graphic. Delete the glue tab at the top of the roof.
Next, the roof needs to be made larger to work on the pop up.
Select the entire roof, group it, and move it away from the rest of the barn. Enlarge it to 120% of original size. I rotated the enlarged roof 90° to fit on the page better.
Print and cut out the barn and roof.
Print the modification PDF. Cut out the cross brace.
Adjust tabs as shown on barn outline of modification PDF: cut off two glue tabs on bottom right; cut off glue tabs on gables; cut the short sides of the bottom rectangular glue tab at an angle.
Print page 2 of the barn PDF to use as base card.
The barn is assembled and glued to the base card in the same manner as the gingerbread house pop up.

How to make the barn pieces with two printed copies
Print two copies of page 1 of the barn PDF.
Cut out one barn and two roofs. Discard second barn.
Print one copy of the modification PDF. Cut out grey roof template and crease on line. Glue a roof piece to each half of the roof template. Turn roof over and trim the edges of the roof pieces that extend beyond the template.
Cut out roof brace.
Adjust tabs as shown on barn outline of modification PDF: cut off two glue tabs on bottom right; cut off glue tabs on gables; cut the short sides of the bottom rectangular glue tab at an angle.
Print page 2 of the barn PDF to use as base card.
The barn is assembled and glued to the base card in the same manner as the gingerbread house pop up.

Extreme Cards and Papercrafting: pop up cards, movable and mechanical cards, digital crafts and unusual papercrafts.