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How to Make Pop Up Cards - More Words - Lesson 9

Pop Up Words Part 3 (letters attached to card with tabs)

How to Make Pop Up Cards Tutorial
This is Lesson 9 in a series of step by step tutorials on How to Make Pop Ups. 

Vertical Words

Print out (or create your own copy) of template, below.

Cut along the grey lines and fold the valley and mountain folds (red and green lines). Do not cut around the letters (black and blue lines) yet.

Open the card in landscape orientation and push the box forward.

You can see that the letters are printed entirely on the front face of the box. The crease runs across the very top of the letters. Each letter has a tab across the "roof" of the box connecting it to the card.

how to make pop up words

Flatten the card and cut out around the letters and tabs (black and blue lines). Be careful to leave each letter attached to its tab, and each tab attached to the card.

Top view showing tabs attached to card.

Horizontal Words

In this sample the letters are entirely on the roof of the box. The tabs are on the front face.

Cut, fold, and pop up as in the first example.

Coming in Lesson 10: how to make your own pop up word design from start to finish, without a template.

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