Creativity sure took a back seat this summer. My crafting space is almost completely taken over by a new computer (waiting for everything to be transferred from the old one), a scanner, and a printer. All summer I kept thinking I would shove things out of the way and make something, but it didn't happen.
Of course, the one birthday card I did make, I never photographed!
Finally, younger child and all her belongings went back to college and I was able to unearth a book of Impressionist paintings and cut it up for greeting cards.
These window cards are a simple idea with a surprisingly effective stained glass look.
For hand or machine cutting.
The 3 diamonds can run across the bottom, or the top.
How to make a window card with stained-glass-look inset
Download window template file (PDF, SVG, Silhouette Studio, DXF).
Files download for free; pay what you wish for the tutorial and to support this site. Suggested contribution for this project is $ 1.00
Print a copy of the cut file and trace it onto clear plastic. (I used a piece of acetate from an old report cover). Be sure you are using the correct template ("hand cutting" or "machine cutting").
Cut around the outside edge of the window to make a "viewing template."
Lay the viewing template on your picture until you like what you see in the panes.
Here are some choices for this picture.
Once you like what you see, lightly mark the outside edge of the window template. Green outline would be the hand-cutting cut line. Blue outline would be the machine cutting cut line. (Your marks will not be this obvious, of course!)
Hand Cutting
Use the printout of the file.
Carefully cut out the panes and use them as templates to cut picture.
Cut diamond-shaped panes from a contrasting portion of the picture.
Machine Cutting
Adhere the picture to your cutting mat, aligning the right and bottom cut edges with the 8" vertical and 8" horizontal lines printed on the cutting mat.
In your cutting software, position the bottom right-hand corner of the cut file at the intersection of the 7" horizontal and the 7" vertical of the virtual mat. Cut.
The diamond panes are cut separately. I just hand cut them rather than fussing with placement on the mat but it's up to you. Choose a contrasting part of the picture for the diamonds.
Finishing the card
Fold a piece of black cardstock in half. Begin assembling the card at the top fold. I work left to right, top to bottom. Usually I just eyeball the placement of each piece and then trim off the excess card.
If you prefer, use the gluing frame from the bottom of the page you printed. Cut out the panes. Lay the frame on your folded card, aligning top fold of card and top of guide. Glue the pieces into the cutout windows. Remove the gluing guide.
Extreme Cards and Papercrafting: pop up cards, movable and mechanical cards, digital crafts and unusual papercrafts.
Of course, the one birthday card I did make, I never photographed!
Finally, younger child and all her belongings went back to college and I was able to unearth a book of Impressionist paintings and cut it up for greeting cards.
These window cards are a simple idea with a surprisingly effective stained glass look.
For hand or machine cutting.
The 3 diamonds can run across the bottom, or the top.
How to make a window card with stained-glass-look inset
Download window template file (PDF, SVG, Silhouette Studio, DXF).
Files download for free; pay what you wish for the tutorial and to support this site. Suggested contribution for this project is $ 1.00
Print a copy of the cut file and trace it onto clear plastic. (I used a piece of acetate from an old report cover). Be sure you are using the correct template ("hand cutting" or "machine cutting").
Cut around the outside edge of the window to make a "viewing template."
Lay the viewing template on your picture until you like what you see in the panes.
Here are some choices for this picture.
Once you like what you see, lightly mark the outside edge of the window template. Green outline would be the hand-cutting cut line. Blue outline would be the machine cutting cut line. (Your marks will not be this obvious, of course!)
Hand Cutting
Use the printout of the file.
Carefully cut out the panes and use them as templates to cut picture.
Cut diamond-shaped panes from a contrasting portion of the picture.
Machine Cutting
Adhere the picture to your cutting mat, aligning the right and bottom cut edges with the 8" vertical and 8" horizontal lines printed on the cutting mat.
In your cutting software, position the bottom right-hand corner of the cut file at the intersection of the 7" horizontal and the 7" vertical of the virtual mat. Cut.
The diamond panes are cut separately. I just hand cut them rather than fussing with placement on the mat but it's up to you. Choose a contrasting part of the picture for the diamonds.
Finishing the card
Fold a piece of black cardstock in half. Begin assembling the card at the top fold. I work left to right, top to bottom. Usually I just eyeball the placement of each piece and then trim off the excess card.
If you prefer, use the gluing frame from the bottom of the page you printed. Cut out the panes. Lay the frame on your folded card, aligning top fold of card and top of guide. Glue the pieces into the cutout windows. Remove the gluing guide.
Extreme Cards and Papercrafting: pop up cards, movable and mechanical cards, digital crafts and unusual papercrafts.