I was inspired by Keiko Nakazawa's layered cards.
My first thought was to make a Noah's Ark, with pairs of animals climbing up the hill. However, I wanted to use a dingbat font for the animals, and it turned out I had a much better farm animal set than wild animal set. The design of the card limited the number of animals I could use, too.
The font is Barnyard by Carol UK.
I started by roughing out the hills and then adding the animals and resizing them and moving them around until I liked the arrangement.

Technical notes: To make the design work as a cutting file, I broke apart the hill line where it touched the bottom of each animal. I removed the bottom line of each foot and joined the hill line to the foot. (Otherwise the hill and the animal would cut as separate pieces and fall apart.) I deleted some of the incredibly small details on the animals to make the cut easier. I fattened up some of the thin parts parts on the legs and tails and so forth.
My first thought was to cut the entire design on one piece of paper, but it was oh-so-small. I like the contrasting colors better, anyway.
Download NEW (2018) cutting files: Silhouette Studio, SVG, PDF
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